Hi - Dave here.

I hope you're having a nice week.

For many years, VLOOKUP has reigned supreme as the go-to lookup function in Excel. In almost every industry, millions and millions of existing spreadsheets use VLOOKUP to do something useful.

However, with the introduction of XLOOKUP in 2019, Excel users have a powerful new lookup option available. XLOOKUP can do everything VLOOKUP can do, and more. Should you stop using VLOOKUP altogether? Should you even learn VLOOKUP if you are new to Excel?

In the article below, I compare XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP and summarize the pros and cons of each:

XLOOKUP vs VLOOKUP - the pros and cons

[Read the full article]

In almost every respect, XLOOKUP is a better and more powerful lookup function. However, VLOOKUP is easy to use and works fine in many situations. This article will help you understand the key differences between XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP and help you decide which function to use for your Excel projects.

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Have a great weekend!


PS - Did I miss anything? Feel free to reply to this email and let me know.

PPS - I plan to compare XLOOKUP to INDEX and MATCH soon.


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