Hi - Dave here.

A key formula skill in Excel is using mixed references, which lock specific parts of a reference. For example, the reference $A1 locks the column, but allows the row to change.

The worksheet below shows how mixed references can be used in an actual problem. The formula in cell G5 is:


Here, the named ranges dept and group automatically behave like absolute references and will not change. The references to $F5 and G$4 however are mixed. As the formula is copied, the row in $F5 changes and the column in G$4 changes, which allows the COUNTIFS function to generate correct counts for all combinations of Department and Group:

Example image.

[download the workbook and read the full explanation]

This example also shows how to solve this problem with an Excel Table, which is a little tricky because of the syntax needed to lock the structured reference. The syntax looks like this:


The article explains both approaches and includes the worksheet. I also added an all-in-one dynamic array formula. Download the workbook and try it out yourself.

Excel formulas

We maintain a large list of working formulas here.

If you need more structure, we also offer video training.

Have a fun and safe weekend!



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