Hi - Dave here.

It's easy to count total values in a range with the COUNTIF function. For example, to count cells that contain 19 in the data below, we can use COUNTIF like this:

=COUNTIF(data,19) // returns 7
However, to count rows that contain 19, we need a more advanced formula.

In the worksheet below, I show two options: one based on the MMULT function, and one based on the newer BYROW function.

Counting rows that contain 19 with MMULT

[download the workbook and read the full explanation]

Read the article for details and to download the worksheet. Both of these advanced formulas show off the power and flexibility of Excel's formula engine.

Note: You can find MMULT in all versions of Excel. BYROW is only available in Excel 365.

Excel formulas

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Have a fun and safe weekend!



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