Hi - Dave here.

This week, I have a simple example of using a formula to apply conditional formatting. This is one of my favorite ways to pinpoint specific data quickly, without altering a worksheet.

In the example below, we have a list of deposits by date. The conditional formatting is configured to highlight dates that occur on a specific day of week, which is selected in cell F5. When the day is changed, the highlighting updates.

Conditional formatting to highlight specific day of week

[Download the workbook and read the full explanation]

The formula used to apply conditional formatting is based on the TEXT function, which is a great way to solve many date problems. Read the article above for a complete explanation, and download the worksheet to see how it works.

If you are new to conditional formatting with formulas, see this overview:

Conditional Formatting with Formulas

Excel formulas

We maintain a large list of working formulas here.

If you like more structure, we also offer video training.

Have a nice weekend!



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